Front Page
The O'Driscoll Chronicle
Family News from around the World
July 3, 2024
Wedding Anniversary
Irish Page
Pictures of Ireland
Family Pictures
Arts Page
Riley's Page
Fathers's Day
Chronicle Office
831 Cedar Avenue N-11
Bensalem, PA 19020

Publisher & Editor in Chief:
Paul O'Driscoll

Asst.Editor & Proofreader:
Patricia Kathryn O'Driscoll

Send comments and opinions to Paul:
Irish Section
Irish Newspaper and Radio
Family Section
Click on the highlighted items for todays news.
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Odds and Ends
If you have something happening in your life and you think it would be interest to others, send me an email with the particulars
(this includes our friends who are a part of our extended family).
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Fort of Jewels O'Driscoll Castle